List of encyclicals of Pope Leo XIII

This article contains a list of encyclicals of Pope Leo XIII. Leo issued 85 Papal Encyclicals during his twenty-five year reign as Pope from 1878-1903.[1][2]

No. Title (Latin) Title (English translation) Subject Date
1. Inscrutabili Dei Consilio On the Evils of Society 21 April 1878
2. Quod Apostolici Muneris On Socialism 28 December 1878
3. Aeterni Patris Of the Eternal Father On the Restoration of Christian Philosophy 4 August 1879
4. Arcanum divinae sapientia The mystery of Divine Wisdom On Christian Marriage 10 February 1880
5. Grande Munus On Saints Cyril and Methodius 30 September 1880
6. Sancta Dei Civitas The Holy City of God On Mission Societies 3 December 1880
7. Diuturnum On the Origin of Civil Power 29 June 1881
8. Licet Multa On Catholics in Belgium 3 August 1881
9. Etsi Nos On Conditions in Italy 15 February 1882
10. Auspicato Concessum On St. Francis of Assisi 17 September 1882
11. Cum Multa With many On Conditions in Spain 8 December 1882
12. Supremi Apostolatus Officio The Supreme Apostolic Office On Devotion to the Rosary 1 September 1883
13. Nobilissima Gallorum Gens On the Religious Question in France 8 February 1884
14. Humanum Genus On Freemasonry 20 April 1884
15. Superiore Anno Last year On the Recitation of the Rosary 30 August 1884
16. Immortale Dei "Immortal God" On the Christian Constitution of States 1 November 1885
17. Spectata Fides On Christian Education 27 November 1885
18. Quod Auctoritate Proclaiming a Jubilee 22 December 1885
19. Iampridem On Catholicism in Germany 6 January 1886
20. Quod Multum On the Liberty of the Church 22 August 1886
21. Pergrata On the Church in Portugal 14 September 1886
22. Vi È Ben Noto On the Rosary and Public Life 20 September 1887
23. Officio Sanctissimo The Holiest Office (or Duty) On the Church in Bavaria 22 December 1887
24. Quod Anniversarius This Anniversiary On His Sacerdotal Jubilee 1 April 1888
25. In Plurimis On the Abolition of Slavery 5 May 1888
26. Saepe Nos On Boycotting in Ireland 24 June 1888
27. Libertas praestantissimum donum Liberty On the Nature of Human Liberty 20 June 1888
28. Quam Aerumnosa On Italian Immigrants 10 December 1888
29. Etsi Cunctas On the Church in Ireland 21 December 1888
30. Exeunte Iam Anno On Right Ordering of Christian Life 25 December 1888
31. Magni Nobis On The Catholic University of America 7 March 1889
32. Quamquam Pluries On Devotion to St. Joseph 15 August 1889
33. Sapientiae Christianae Of Christian Wisdom On Christians as Citizens 10 January 1890
34. Dall'alto Dell'apostolico Seggio On Freemasonry in Italy 15 October 1890
35. Catholicae Ecclesiae Of the Catholic Church On Slavery in the Missions 20 November 1890
36. In Ipso In itself On Episcopal Reunions in Austria 3 March 1891
37. Rerum Novarum "New Things" On Capital and Labour 15 May 1891
38. Pastoralis Of pastoral (things) On Religious Union 25 June 1891
39. Pastoralis Officii Of the Pastoral Office On the Morality of Duelling 12 September 1891
40. Octobri Mense The Month of October On the Rosary 22 September 1891
41. Au Milieu Des Sollicitudes On the Church and State in France 16 February 1892
42. Quarto Abeunte Saeculo On Christopher Columbus 16 July 1892
43. Magnae Dei Matris Of the great Mother of God On the Rosary 8 September 1892
44. Custodi Di Quella Fede On Freemasonry 8 December 1892
45. Inimica vis On Freemasonry 8 December 1892
46. Ad Extremas To the farthest Seminaries for Native Clergy 24 June 1893
47. Constanti Hungarorum On the Church in Hungary 2 September 1893
48. Laetitiae Sanctae Of holy praise Commending Devotion to the Rosary 8 September 1893
49. Providentissimus Deus The most provident God On the Study of Holy Scripture 18 November 1893
50. Praeclara Gratulationis Publicae The Reunion of Christendom 20 June 1894
51. Litteras A Vobis On the Clergy in Brazil 2 July 1894
52. Iucunda Semper Expectatione On the Rosary 8 September 1894
53. Orientalium Dignitas The dignity of the Easterners On the Churches of the East 30 November 1894
54. Christi Nomen The Name of Christ On Propagation of the Faith and Eastern Churches 24 December 1894
55. Longinqua On Catholicism in the United States 6 January 1895
56. Permoti Nos On Social Conditions in Belgium 10 July 1895
57. Adiutricem Adjutrix On the Rosary 5 September 1895
58. Insignes On the Hungarian Millennium 1 May 1896
59. Satis Cognitum On the Unity of the Church 29 June 1896
60. Fidentem Piumque Animum On the Rosary 20 September 1896
61. Divinum Illud Munus On the Holy Spirit 9 May 1897
62. Militantis Ecclesiae On St. Peter Canisius 1 August 1897
63. Augustissimae Virginis Mariae Of the Most August Virgin Mary On the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary 12 September 1897
64. Affari Vos On the Manitoba School Question 8 December 1897
65. Caritatis Studium Of the studies of charity On the Church in Scotland 25 July 1898
66. Spesse Volte On the Suppression of Catholic Institutions 5 August 1898
67. Quam Religiosa On Civil Marriage Law 16 August 1898
68. Diuturni Temporis On the Rosary 5 September 1898
69. Quum Diuturnum On the Latin American Bishops' Plenary Council 25 December 1898
70. Testem Benevolentiae Nostrae Virtue, Nature and Grace, and Americanism 22 January 1899
71. Annum Sacrum A Holy Year Consecration to the Sacred Heart 25 May 1899
72. Depuis Le Jour "Since the Day " On the Education of the Clergy 8 September 1899
73. Paternae "Fathers " On the Education of the Clergy 18 September 1899
74. Omnibus Compertum On Unity Among the Greek 21 July 1900
75. Tametsi Futura Prospicientibus On Jesus Christ the Redeemer 1 November 1900
76. Graves de Communi Re On Christian Democracy 18 January 1901
77. Gravissimas The Gravest On Religious Orders in Portugal 16 May 1901
78. Reputantiubus On the Language Question in Bohemia 20 August 1901
79. Urbanitatis Veteris On the Foundation of a Seminary in Athens 20 November 1901
80. In Amplissimo On the Church in the United States 15 April 1902
81. Quod Votis On the Proposed Catholic University 30 April 1902
82. Mirae Caritatis Mirror of Charity On the Holy Eucharist 28 May 1902
83. Quae Ad Nos On the Church in Bohemia and Moravia 22 November 1902
84. Fin Dal Principio On the Education of the Clergy 8 December 1902
85. Dum Multa Marriage Legislation 24 December 1902


  1. ^ Leo XIII, Encyclicals at Accessed 2011-10-11.
  2. ^ Pope Leo XIII Papal Encyclicals Online (includes 1 Bull, 1 Apostolic Letter and 1 Constitution). Accessed 2011-10-11.

See also